Who You Are…and Who God Is
Much more paramount to “who I am” is who YOU are, dear friend, and most importantly, who God is. Before you spend much time reading these ineptly penned words of mine, as I try to squeeze out my own superficial understandings of our magnificent God on these pages, I wanted you to know the reason I squeeze them out at all. As moms (homeschool or not), in order to know who we are, we must know who God is. It is the purpose and vision of this blog to indwell these truths about our Creator into the innermost corners of our souls, to equip and encourage us all, so that we may live a life worthy of our calling.
The PURPOSE of Life, Abundantly is that you would know that God
will never leave you.
is intimately close to you now.
rescues and redeems- broken marriages, broken hearts, and broken relationships.
created you for a purpose and is calling you to it.
calls you AND equips you for home education.
cares about even the smallest parts of your life- the smallest burden, smallest victory, smallest weakness and smallest joy. Nothing about you is unimportant to him.
created you for his pleasure and takes delight in your happiness and personality.
listens to your every plea and answers in his perfect timing.
will never forget you. NEVER.
knows your heart even better than you do.
has a right knowing of you that even your wrong expectations or wrong actions could never change.
is fully relational and rejoices in your seeking him.
gives you the power to overcome sin and the forgiveness in Christ to always keep trying.
cares about your homeschool and the ways in which you instruct your children. You aren’t left without his guidance.
It is truly my hearts desire as you use resources from Life, Abundantly or read blog posts and emails, that you would feel loved, heard, cared about, and supported as we journey together.
My family...
I'm a wife of 17 years to my elementary school sweetheart (since we were 11). He is my heart-throb, my best friend, my wisest adviser, my sounding board, my "calm down, baby" and my heartbeat. I could NOT do life without him.
I'm a homeschooling mama to 2 beautiful, vibrant, loving young ladies, and two precious toddler boys (15 months apart). We've been homeschooling for 7 years, and though it's challenging, it's the best thing I do. My heart's desire, above all things, is to leave a legacy of Jesus-crazy with my babies... that they would pursue Him above all else and reap the rewards of an abundant life. We blend Charlotte Mason philosophies with the Classical tradition with random seasons of unschooling and unit studies thrown in. We truly believe that “education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.”

My Purpose...
I love to encourage other moms and wives. In my 37 years, I've created a lifetime of messes, made almost all of the mistakes, and have been brought down to my knees a time or ten. I've also had challenges in my family's health like multiple food allergies, autoimmune disease, and learning differences. I know in my heart of hearts that the Lord gave me these obstacles and brought me through significant trials so that I could learn... not just for myself, but to encourage others with the lessons He's led me through... above all, walking alongside them so they know they are not alone.