Headed to the Zoo anytime soon? (FREEBIE!)
/ Erin CoxYou’re here for a freebie, so I won’t blather on at length about stuff you aren’t interested in. I DO want to say that if you’re visiting here the first time and are interested in this zoo freebie, you’ll probably really also love the Preschool Morning Binder and FREE Preschool Curriculum.
We are annual zoo members and have been for years. Our kids have always treasured days at the zoo, and when the weather isn’t sweltering, I always have too. I feel like it’s an excellent opportunity to get out of the house and do a little roamschooling.
I wanted to create a tool for us (and for you!) that would serve our whole family. I have babies from 2 up to high school freshman, so it’s not often we do anything or learn anything that EVERYONE can enjoy and benefit from. However, the zoo is definitely an exception to that. Furthermore, with this zoo explorers pack, that’s even more true than ever. I also wanted to be sure to create a tool that’s extra fun to use with the animal units of The Gentle + Classical Preschool!
This FREEBIE has the following goodies inside:
3 Pages of Zoo Scavenger Hunts- These are lightly divided. One page is for mammals, one for reptiles/amphibians/insects and one for birds. They feature a large picture for pre-readers, and the word and a checkbox for readers to reinforce early letter/sight word recognition. Use these pouches to make them sturdier and use again and again.
ABC Scavenger Hunt- This page is for your writing/reading students. They are challenged to record as many animals for each letter of the alphabet as possible.
Tell Me About It!- This is a notebooking page designed for all students. With a generous space to draw, they can illustrate their favorite observations of the day. Furthermore, there is space to write (or narrate to Mom) all that they learned about their favorite animal.
All About the _________- This last report page is for upper elementary even through your high school students (thought I wouldn’t likely count this report page alone toward high school biology credit… we will add in a brief essay as well). On this page, they can detail various aspects about the animals habitat, food, reproduction, and more along with space to illustrate.
Here are the sample images. Keep going to download the file!
If that all sounds and looks good to you, GREAT! This freebie is already available in my Member Resource Library- and membership is free! If you already subscribe, use your password (from any email!) and grab it now.
If you aren’t a subscriber, simply enter your information below, and I’ll send this right over to you!