FREE Shorelines + Oceans Sample!
/ Erin CoxI don't know about you, but the month of May is often spent decompressing from our busy school year... and now we are already thinking about next year! Often plans for next year have already changed 2 to around 300 times. Does this sound familiar?

Regardless of whether we can make our minds up, we can still ENJOY the process of exploring the many options that are available to us. We are very "sorry, not sorry" for adding a new option to your pile for next year ;). If you're still exploring options, we wanted to make sure you have a FULL wealth of knowledge about how our Nature programs work, by getting your hands on it... legit.
That's why we compiled the first TWO units of Nature Volume 2 into a sample, just for you!
In this sample you will find a robust, 124 page PDF with:
"Start Here" file which you REALLY should start with.
This includes an intro to the pieces of the bundle. This can seem a little overwhelming if you don’t have someone holding your hand - and that’s what this guide is- your hand holder! It gives you printing advice and literal step-by-step checklists for prep work. This file includes sections of the teacher’s guide, Units 1-2 for the Student Notebook (for both Level 1 AND 2)
It's a long file, so keep scrolling, and print the portions you want to be printed off. Don't forget that the Teacher's Guide is available in FULL in the shop, completely FREE.
The PDF includes all 3 levels of Memory Statement Cards for units 1-2, so you can get a feel for how those "step up." You can learn more about levels at the start of the PDF
If you keep scrolling you’ll find the PDF includes the Spanish terms, French terms, and the 3-Part Cards for Units 1-2
Spanish/French cards can be used as visuals, flashcards, or 3-Part cards themselves!
What are 3-Part Cards? We are so glad you asked! 3-Part cards have, you guessed it, 3 parts. 1. A control card: with a picture and a word. 2. a second card with just the picture and 3. the third card with just the word. (We suggest simply printing the card twice and cutting the second copy into two parts). These can be used for vocabulary, spelling, playing memory, or matching- but they will no doubt help your children sort through the material and create connections!
We hope that this is not only helpful in deciding if this curriculum would be a great fit for your family, but we hope it’s a blessing. We LOVE to bless others! We would love to hear how you use this freebie in your home!
If this will bless your homeschool, simply enter your email below to subscribe to our (infrequent) emails and also gain access to a library with over 45 FREE educational resources for your preschool and early elementary students/children!