FREE Reptile Book List
/We love nature-focused unit studies around here. After much searching and pre-reading, we found a few very favorite reptile books that have been a hit with our kiddos.
Before we share the book list, we want to share a completely free resource you might enjoy. Gentle + Classical Nature Volume 1 is an 18 unit (full year) nature-focused program that is a nice blend of Charlotte Mason, classical, and unit studies. The BEST part is that the Teacher’s Guide is completely free. You’ll find this book list and MANY MORE inside, for kids preschool through 4th grade. You can grab it for FREE in our shop!
Reptiles are so diverse and kids really love them! They fill my boys with wonder (and sometimes a little fear!). From small to humongous, these incredible creatures teach us so much about the ecosystems God designed for our world.
There are so many books that allow our youngest to our oldest children to discover these magnificent creatures from home, but I couldn’t find a list of books in one spot- so I made one to share: